David Jeffrey


  • Professor
  • SMSS Outreach and Research Director
  • Department of Mathematics, University of Western Ontario
    1151 Richmond Street, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada
  • Office: Middlesex College, Room 252
  • Phone: 519-661-211 x8876
  • Email: djeffrey@uwo.ca


Research Interests

  • Symbolic computation
  • Computer-Algebra Systems (Maple)
  • Microhydrodynamics


Noteable Publications

  • RM Corless, GH Gonnet, DEG Hare, DJ Jeffrey, DE Knuth. On the Lambert W function. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 5(4):329-359, 1996.
  • DJ Jeffrey, Y Onishi, Calculation of the resistance and mobility functions for two unequal rigid spheres in low-Reynolds-number flow. J. Fluid Mech. 139:261-290, 1984.
  • DJ Jeffrey. Riemann surfaces, Branch cuts and Charisma, Proc. Symbolic Computation in Scientific Software, LNCS 14991, pp. 114-128, Springer 2024.



The two files LoadAndUseIntegral.nb and Integral.m are a pair of Mathematica notebooks which implement the calculation of comprehensive integrals with Kahanian constants. The theory behind the computation is described in the paper "Integrals of functions containing parameters" by Corless, Jeffrey and Stoutemyer, The Mathematical Gazette, November 2020. A PDF of the paper is available below. The file LoadAndUseIntegral.nb will load the second file (as its name suggests) and provide an interface to the calculation. The file KahanianIntegration.nb only contains the same instructions as this description and is included here to intercept searches based on earlier published references.


Programs for Stokes resistance functions

The programs are available upon request.

Stokes Mobility Functions

The programs are available upon request


Rational Orthogonal Matrices





