Welcome to MaCAW!

MaCaw-logo.jpgWelcome to Math Club At Western (MaCAW), the official undergraduate Math and Applied Math club at Western! Every year we hold many events, both academic and social, to improve the undergraduate experience of students interested in Math.

At this website, you'll find upcoming events and opportunities, ways to get involved, and our contact information. We hope to see you soon!


If you are enrolled in a Math program at Western, then you are automatically a member of MaCAW!

Students from all faculties are welcome to join!

If you like math, food, and fun, MaCAW is the place for you!


Join now to be a part of: 

  • Pizza Seminars
  • Social Study Events
  • Games Nights
  • Math Contests
  • Professor Meet-and-Greets
  • Math Conferences
  • Information Sessions
  • and more!


Email: macaw@uwo.ca
Instagram: @WesternMaCAW
Facebook: facebook.com/mathclubatwestern