Highlights of Western Summer Math Camp 2023


Staff members are getting ready to check in the campers, Summer 2023

In Summer 2023, we offered three math camps for students in grades nine, ten, and eleven/twelve, which were

 held from July 17 to August 2. A total of sixty-nine students from different grades attended three camps this summer. The camps ran for three days, and students had 2-3 math talks each day, puzzle solving in teams, and contest writing each day. Each camp also had a team activity that ran for three days and each team had to complete a task by the third day.

  • γ-Camp (Gamma Camp for grade nine students) July 17-19, 2023.
  • θ-Camp (Theta Camp for grade ten students) July 24-26, 2023.
  • ζ-Camp (Zeta Camp for grade eleven and twelve students) July 31-August 2, 2023.


Math Talks

In total 24 talks were delivered by department members, including faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students. Here the list of speakers and the title of their talk(s). 


Talk title

Geoff Wild

Talk 1: How to Be a Mathematical Investment Banker

Talk 2: Mathematical Constants

Michael Francis

Some Things Never Change: Solving Problems Using Invariants

Allen O'Hara

Talk 1: Four of a Kind

Talk 2: Angels/Kings/Demons Chessboard Problem

Talk 3:  How to Protect Your Art Exhibit

Mohabat Tarkeshian

Game Theory and Winning Strategies

Phillip Braun

Hex and the Existence of a Winning Strategy

Jarl Taxerås Flaten

Cooperation and Nash Equilibria

Mohsen Mollahajiaghaei

Talk1: Connect the Dots

Talk 2: The Four Colour Theorem

Luuk Verhoeven

Talk 1: The Oldest Calculator: Compass and Straightedge

Talk 2: A Complex and Irrational History of Math

Asghar Ghorbanpour

How Does Google Rank Pages?

Gord Sinnamon

A Do-It-Yourself Fractal

Matthias Franz

Modular Arithmetic

Nathan Pagliaroli

The Algebra of Complex Numbers

Curtis Wilson

Modular Arithmetic

Peter O’Hara

Some Classic Problems

James Uren

Encounters with chance: Surprising Results from Introductory Probability

Taylor Brysiewicz

Talk 1: Polytopes

Talk 2: Conics

Thomas Griffiths

Konigsberg Bridge and Euler

David Jeffrey

Calculating Area


Campers trying to measure MC tower using triangles

Week challenges

Each day wrapped up by a team activity. The teams are chosen at the beginning of the camp, and they worked on the activity throughout the camp. The activities were different for each camp:

  • Gamma camp was about cryptography.

  • Theta Camp’s week challenge was about using similarity of triangle.

  • Zeta Camp’s Challenge was about bitcoin


The Winners

The students with the highest total scores of all three competitions have received prizes.


Winners of Math Camp Summer 2023


Organizing team members, Speakers and Volunteers

The summer camp represents a collaborative effort from various team members. 

  • Math Camp Coordinator/Organizer: Dr. Asghar Ghorbanpour
  • Math Camp Assistant CoordinatorMohabat Tarkeshian

The Math Camp is primarily run by volunteers, in particular, all the talks in the camp (total of 24 talks) were given by different members of the department. We had total of 34 volunteers involved in this year’s camp. 





Contest Committee

Mahan Moazzeni

Bita Godsi

Mohabat Terkeshian

Alan Flatres


Content Committee


Milad Fakhri

Nathan Pagliaroli

Xiangyuan Liang

Adrian Chitan

Curtis Wilson

Camp Facilitators

Madelyn Backer

 Milad Fakhri

Xiangyuan Liang

Manuel Romero

Zahra Shafiei

Sepideh Bahrami

Outreach Committee

Curtis Wilson, Manuel Romero, Liang-Chen Chien, and Parsa Zarei


Akram Kangouri (Zeta Camp food related tasks)

Other than volunteers, we have received substantial help from staff members of our department. Audrey Kager assisted us on almost any aspects that we required office support and Aron Downes were very helpful in any IT related matters. We are also grateful for the help and support that we received from Jane Bai and Stephanie L. Lim.

Group photo of some of the camp member 2023s